G-5 Foliar - An Unique Bio-Organic Liquid Extract | Swaroop Agrochemical Industries | Nashik

Описание к видео G-5 Foliar - An Unique Bio-Organic Liquid Extract | Swaroop Agrochemical Industries | Nashik

G-5 Foliar - An Unique Bio-Organic Liquid Extract

G 5 Foliar is an unique foliar formulation for plant growth as well as for effective preventive measures against pests & fungi. G 5 Foliar is innovative concept in spray fertigation.

G-5 Foliar is India’s first foliar supplement with 5 different constituents useful for plant growth and protection. This unique formulation is already used in our Patented product G - 5 Granules.

Since Five different constituents are available in liquid form they are easily absorbed by the plants.
Helps all round growth & enhancement of crop quality. Accelerates vegetative and reproductive growth of crop giving higher yields. Accelerates germination, seedling vigour & root growth. Strengthen tolerance to diseases by avoiding attack of insect & pests.
Helps sterile soil & root zone by preventing attack of harmful fungi which further cause root rot.

G-5 Foliar is useful on all types of Horticulture, Vegetable & Field Crops.

Dosage: 2 - 3 ml G 5 Foliar per litre water.

Time of Application:
1st spray - At flowering stage
2nd spray - At fruit setting stage (15-20 days after first spray)
3rd spray - 15-20 days after second spray.

Website : www.swaroopagro.com

#Swaroopagro #G5_Foliar #Herbal_Extract #Root_Rot_Preventor #Seaweed_Extract #Amino_Acid #Humic_Acid #Plant_growth #Root_growth #protection_against_Insects_and_pests #Foliar_suppliment #Multiactivity_BioOrganic_Liquid_Extract #Maximum_Yield #Better_Quality_Crops


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